Before importing data into SharpSpring, you’ve got to review how your data flows. Both contact and company data move through multiple systems, such as accounting, customer service, and resource scheduling. If you also plan to integrate your existing Customer Relationship Management system, you also have to decide how data will move between SharpSpring and your CRM.

Merge your data into SharpSpring

Fortunately, SharpSpring is very good at integrating with your current systems. Some integrations, such as the SharpSpring and Salesforce integration, are well-established with plenty of existing guidance. In other cases, the E6 Solutions professional service team can assist with custom integration.

Importing data into SharpSpring is like this driver merging into traffic (image)
Merging into the existing traffic is always stressful.

Many small businesses try to “start fresh” by entering the bare minimum of contact data into SharpSpring. Then they build a new history with their prospects and customers. We don’t believe that’s wrong, we just believe that you could have a better resolution. By working with E6 Solutions, you can either integrate your existing CRM or import all the important data into the new system (then deep-six the old one). It’s challenging, but it’s not unaffordable. Just ask us how!

Beware of creating divergent data sets!

The worst approach is to let your salespeople manually enter your existing contact data into the new system and “fly blind.” This method could lead to having conflicting data in your accounting system and sales system. You could have conflicting addresses, billing contacts, and purchase descriptions. The longer the disconnect operates, the more trouble you will experience. E6 Solutions can give you an up-front evaluation of how to reconcile the systems when importing your data into SharpSpring. You’ll avoid any nasty surprises at year-end closing.